Allison Lucille Gratiot was born at 8:03pm, weighing in at 7lbs 12oz, 21 1/2 inches. She has a full head of brown hair. Allison and mom are doing well. Pictures are to come.
Allison Lucille Gratiot was born at 8:03pm, weighing in at 7lbs 12oz, 21 1/2 inches. She has a full head of brown hair. Allison and mom are doing well. Pictures are to come.
My due date for our baby girl is in 13 days, but I am SO ready now! I've been so uncomfortable the past two weeks with pressure and pain, I'm still gaining weight and I still feel etremely hungry, almost nauseated, if I don't eat something every few hours... the steam shower can still make me sick unless I shower before breakfast or later in the day... it hurts to walk or stand too long... I've started sleeping in the recliner in the baby room when the bed starts getting too uncomfortable at night...
We finally (mostly) finished the baby room. The crib and dresser with changing pad are set up. I'm almost done with sewing the crib sheets, I've only been working on them for a couple of days when I have time. I started the matching quilt already, I would say I'm about a third done. The crib skirts I finished a couple of months ago along with the matching curtains.
Ok, time to grab a bite to eat before bed and another night of discomfort and trips to the bathroom every two hours or so.
*sigh* ~Adria